Tuesday, September 4, 2012

will I ever get used to this?

some things I am still becoming acquainted with and yet is becoming something I love. 

1. making my own schedule--I report to two schools and a boss in the central office.  At times it is a little confusing where to go, how to budget my time, when to do office work, when and who's classroom to walk into, and how should I share my real opinion even when asked.

2. having my own office--I only have an office in one of my schools, but I am in love with it.  I love walking in, kicking off my heels, and getting stuff done.  It is nice to be able to shut the door and knock work out, but at the same time have an open door policy where teachers drop in drto figure literacy out. 

3. driving to multiple work locations--some days I forget which school I am going to and have found myself pointing my car in the wrong direction. Tracking mileage is also a very new phenomenon.  

and now. 

for your viewing pleasure. 

sarah. edwards. cain. came to visit. we played our way through charlotte. 

a labor "free" evening

 the beginning of my sweet new office

dinner with devan and paul's sweet twins that are now incredibly mobile I am not sure how she does it

best. date. ever. with ethan and his hilarious jokes. 

panthers game with the tam. 

uptown charlotte...pre obama dnc craziness

 and last but not least...
the man who sent us to the panthers game. 
porch nights have become a quick favorite past-time. 

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