Friday, May 6, 2011


Wednesday: "Miss Slagle were you so tired that you didn't put on your makeup this morning?" 
Thursday (90's throw back): "Miss Slagle that BRIGHT BLUE eye shadow is so pretty. You look so pretty with pink cheeks and lots of blue paint on your eyes."

Lovely we have such opposite tastes. 

a few years ago a friend introduced me to something that I quickly became obsessed with...

I went in to refill my foundation and mascara (hands down best mascara EVER) and ended up walking out with this

Now, I realize I am only 26, but I have been told by multiple people that I should start preserving my skin now. I just don't ever want to look back and say "I wish I had bought that eye cream that day at the mall when I was 26." 

When I first started teaching, it was such an adjustment (esp in Union Co) that I would go to bed very early.  A friend of mine used to refer to me as Grandma and would ask me if I wore cold cream yet. I always denied it and denied the need for it until NOW.  It was joking matter then, but not anymore:)

I have an obsession with beautifying/freeing things. For example, I love the idea of ear candling. I have never done it, but the thought of a good ear cleaning is interesting to me. Is that odd? I also love the feeling of massage (obviously it feels good) because I like the feeling of "releasing toxins from my body." I like getting my hair cut because it just feels healthier.  The more I write this the more strange I realize I sound.  I am also an easy sell (for somethings, but all things Trish). Trish talked me into the vitamin C and I want it to reduce the puffiness and the black circles from getting 5 hours of sleep a night. 

So call me Grandma or make fun of my eye cream, I don't care. I can own it. 

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