Tuesday, May 3, 2011

how firm a foundation.

I talk to my parents everyday on the way to school.  Well, almost everyday because now they have to be healthy and fit and go to the gym while I drive to work and I am money wise and carpool to work some days.  Our typical conversations are either: A. "Hi. I am on my way to work. I am exhausted. I am envisioning my car running into the car in front of me I am so tired...so let me concentrate and drink my 32 oz. tervy tumbler of coffee." Or B. "Hey! Oh my gosh! Guess what...let me tell you what I did last night and what I learned yesterday and what are you going to do today, etc. etc."' Most of the time our conversations are more similar to Convo B.  I typically have a good amount of energy in the morning and have really cherished the conversations with my parents.  Many a mornings I have cried the entire way to work to them and they have listened and tried to be supportive.  Some mornings, I am angry, angry, angry and they calm me down on the way in.  All in all...I love talking to them in the mornings and it is something I have done regularly for 6 years now.  Everyday. 6:15am. On speaker phone so BOTH of them can hear me.

All of that to explain this...One day, I was particularly excited about who knows what and I was rambling on about my latest most brilliant idea and when I stopped to take a breath, I realized that my mom had not said anything about it. My response was immediately, "Why are you not excited for this great idea I have?" Her response was jokingly...

"You always have great ideas. You are always coming up with something new. I am not sure what to get excited for."

I do plan big. I plan a lot. Sometimes it happens. Sometimes it doesn't.  Sometimes it is successful and sometimes I fall flat on my face. (Uptown Hopper ring a bell? What about EB Marketing? Or Absolute Learning?)

In reflecting on my life recently and my upcoming China trip and how that came about it is ironic that on Sunday the message was about vision and dreams.  It hit home. I cried. (Shocking.) So, I am going to do my best to recap it with a little bit of commentary.

David Docusen from Center City Church in Charlotte, NC 
Brittany's inner thoughts and feelings

If God is who I trust in  then why don't I make my plans large? 
Would I lay down everything I built up in my life or prepared for and chase after Jesus? 
What if that "thing" I am laying down is the only thing I am good at?

David retold the story of Noah and the ark and that the rain came after 7 days of them being in the boat.  Noah built this ridiculous boat because of a dream and then got in the boat with his family and then sat there for 7 days with NO rain.  (lesson: HOLD ON if I have a dream in my heart because the dream will happen-I just have to be faithful)

I dream big and often, but currently I am at a loss of what the next step in the dreaming process is.  Where do I go? What do I do? How radical of a decision do I make?  What if it costs me? Can I make a wrong choice?  How will I know what to do?

Some of these questions I know the answers to-or at least I know the pat answers that most people give.  In my life I have realized I am either 100% or not at all.  Now, that can go both ways I know.  I feel like this dream-my future is going to require a radical decision.  Most people are not ok with that. Sometimes...I am not ok with that. 

How to Chase Down Vision: 
We are being strangled out with religion and we often forget everything except the true message of Christ. Chase after God. Chase after your dreams. 

1 Corinthians 3:10-13 "By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. 

Obviously if you read the Bible you figure out how to accomplish your dreams, but how? and what?

David gave the analogy of a building and that our dreams and visions for our lives are like an architect's building process.  
1. Drawing plans
2. Building a foundation-laboring in the foundation is ok.
-we need to count the costs
-start sharing our dreams
-realize that we will be tested
3. fulfillment of the dream will be greater than the original dream. 

-It is great to dream big dreams, but build a firm foundation
-don't be afraid to work hard
-often we may have structure in our foundation, but we are not ready to continue building

I realized that maybe for my dream I have some type of plan and foundation built and maybe some structure, but I am at a pivotal point of waiting and dreaming until I realize what else needs to be done to my foundation before I put any walls up.

The idea that the fulfillment of my dreams being greater than I imagined is refreshing. Clearly, my dreams are not only my dreams, but dreams given to me for a purpose and a reason.


  1. A very goood sermon! Brittany, you have always been a big dreamer and I hope you never change. Sure, sometimes stuff doesn't work out, but I would rather reach for great things and fail than settle for small things and live with regret.

  2. Great post!! Sunday's sermon was challenging! I love the name of your blog too!
