Tuesday, June 28, 2011

third times a charm....right?

I was thinking back on a few of my past adventures and realized although I love traveling, I had some serious and not so serious mishaps. Hopefully, this is not a continuing pattern for my impending trip. 

Mishap #1: 
A few Octobers ago, I took a road trip to Canada with a friend.  I had a wedding on the VA Rivah and I drove up to DC very early the morning after the wedding.  I would venture to say once we got on the road from DC in our sweet rental car I was in and out of conciousness because it had been a late night and a long few weeks.  E drove most of the way up to Canada with maybe (I can admit this) an hour or so of "Brittany Driving Time."  We stopped right outside of Canada on the NY border around 11 or so for our last American gas fill up and I completely conked out. E equated it to me being drugged.  I couldn't even hold my head up and I was completely out of it.  He shook me awake as he drove up to border patrols crossing into Canada on our way to Quebec City.  I tried to pull myself together and handed him our passports which he handed over to the customs guard.  I had never driven a car across a border, but apparently you have to declare things and answer questions just like you do flying except the questions are specific.  The guard lady asked a few questions and I could not hear her so I just echoed what E said or threw my own spin on it (Yes, I live in NC).  I am sure I mumbled and I looked completely out of it.  All I knew was I needed to answer the questions so that the lady would give me back my passport, the gun guard wouldn't search my car, and I could go back to sleep.  I must not have heard Eric answer the last question because I didn't repeat what he said.  Here's how it went down:

Lady-blah blah blah...Yes or No(in a thick French accent that I couldn't understand)
Eric-Oh NO! Ma'am NO...Brittany why would you....She has NEVER had a felony.  
Me-OH that is what you asked?!?!! NO no felony.

Maybe the lady got a kick out of my answer or she really liked my Meanies (Jow Cowley fans) hair or she felt really bad for E who had to deal with me all week, but they let us through and they didn't search our car or kick me out of the country.  

As soon as we crossed through into Canada...I was out like a light. For the next 6 hours. Poor E. 

(sidenote: I have always had a hard time understanding thick accents)

Mishap #2:
I went to Puerto Rico which was the first mistake. To spare you the all the details,  we wrecked (minor accident) our rental car and we were robbed at gunpoint.  It made for an interesting trip back into the States without any money or an id.  

Let's hope the third times a charm?!?!

Here's to hoping for an incident free month in China!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I'll be praying for that incident-free trip for you! :)
