Sunday, February 5, 2012

this weeks all time lows

This week I hit THREE all time lows. 

1. I am pretty confident that 3 out of the 4 week nights I was in bed by 9.  (lame or adult-like?)

2. I have been dealing with a very red eye so lately I have been wearing my glasses a lot.  At first, I thought maybe my eyes were just dry so I tried rewetting drops which felt like knives stabbing me in the eye.  One night I was making chili and cutting up an onion and my eyes watered for probably close to an one point I couldn't see it was so blurry.  My eyes were so red, itchy, and watery so I decided I needed allergy eye drops.  T and I went up to the local CVS (in the hood) and I proceeded to run to the allergy aisle, grabbed some relief, and quickly bought it.  While T was making her purchase I looked like an addict trying to break into the box, tear off the top of the drops, and with a shaky hand try to get them in my eye with no luck.  T stepped in and helped me in the doorway of the CVS right next to the rent a cop who gets a gun.  (happy to report...the drops did the trick and I have clear eyes once again)

3. I have been trying to do no sugar in my food since New Years and it has been going really well.  I can successfully say I have not had sugar until lunchtime at school on Friday.  Our school cafeteria RARELY has food that I will consume, but everyone in a while they have these delicious homemade sides (potato salad, rolls, etc).  Friday, was the berry crisp with granola...this homemade goodness is mouth watering.   I tried to talk my kids into this amazing treat and they were not taking the bait.  One even proclaimed he was "allergic to homemade."  The sweet cafeteria lady gave us (the class) a taste of the crisp and I could not even wait until the kids got through the line..I leaned right over Randi's shoulder and took a bite of our class sample.  What is wrong with me?  I am happy to say that the guilt from the amount of sugar in that bite was enough for me to finish out this no sugar challenge.  (also my sweet babes are now in love with the berry crisp!)

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