Saturday, June 6, 2009

Call Me Crazy...

and some do call me crazy.  In fact, I think insane was the actual word used to describe this idea.  I bought my first house this past week.  

Meet Georgia Ave.  

This whole process seems like a whirlwind, but a researched, thought out, prayed through mayhem.  There were many reasons why I decided to start searching for a house, but I did not expect to find something so great, so quickly. I looked at it a couple of times, brought people that matter to me to look at it, did price comparisons, met neighbors, had discussions with brokers/lenders, etc.  After I proved sanity to certain people my realtor and I made up a contract and put in an offer.  The offer went in Monday afternoon around 4pm and 3 hours later we had already counter offered twice.  Tuesday we continued to counter offer and then by Tuesday night I was signing the contract and researching home inspectors.  

Thursday, I met Scott.  He was my home inspector or my guardian angel however you want to look at it. He and I walked throughout the entire house/yard and pulled it completely apart.  I think my inspection report is 40 pages long complete with many pictures.  

There have been many times where I started to panic about the huge decision home buying is or home buying plus renovations, but I am really excited and overall feel confident in my decision.  

Soon to of the (lovely) yellow kitchen and the rotted wood (from the inspection).  


  1. so after what we talked about, i looked at your porch and I think you could easily just get some metal banisters that are really simple like just one bar on the top and one up front...we could paint them white to match the side railing that is already there...we could potentially put a hanging plant on the front of each or something so they don't even look like banisters....just a thought since you aren't going to be using that door very often anyway.

  2. So happy for you, Brittany. We'll be getting our paint brushes ready...well, Ken will, at least. :)

  3. I love your house and CANNOT wait to see it!!

  4. I'm totally impressed - way to go. I know what you'll be doing this summer!
