Friday, June 26, 2009

The past 2 days I have made countless appointments for estimates for floors, countertops, windows, doors, patio doors, insulation, etc.  

I have made spreadsheet after spreadsheet in hopes of being efficient.  There are so many things to consider: warranties, quality of work crews, and cost being some of them.  

I have officially decided on my windows.  They are the BEST windows I have seen and let me tell you I have seen a lot in the past 2 days.  We are getting double pane and double hung windows.  They are going to have the grids in them so that the house will stay with the "classic" look.  My window screen is on its on track so it can slide up and down.  They also  qualify for the tax credit since they will meet the energy efficient guidelines.  

I have a gutter guy.  He was the best deal and there are so many gutter ploys out there...

I have a countertop man. Let me tell you...the countertop space is about 12 feet including the sink.  I am going with granite and this company called $39 granite.  They actually don't have the one I picked out in stock (figures) but they are getting it from a different supplier and they are honoring their quote.  Sink + Faucet + Counters = $1600.  Not too shabby.  

I have an insulation guy (who is the same guy as windows).  He is pretty much great.  He is going to blow insulation and put radiant barrier inside my attic for $1.49/ft.  I have 900 ft. so you do the math, but pretty inexpensive when you have pretty shotty insulation as is.  With the new windows and door and attic insulation supposedly I will save 60% in my utilities.  It should be 5% of the square footage of my around $50/month.  We will see...

I had a flooring guy come out and price refinishing the hardwoods and tiling my kitchen/bathroom, but since the renters locked me out I couldn't get in to actually have him measure.  I think tiling may come later in the process than I originally thought.  I still need to square that away. is being delivered...I will add to this list later....

1 comment:

  1. Wow...I still can't even wrap my mind around that fact that soon you will be a home-owner! And all that this entails...whew. It's like a foreign world to me. I'm proud of you for jumping right in and doing so much work to make sure you get the best and most reliable deals. You're a rock star.
    Love you,
