Sunday, June 7, 2009

inspiration/first purchase

The loan I am getting requires me to do certain things to the house.  Some are things that I want to do and some are things that I def. do not want to do.  For example, I do not want to put a railing on my broken front porch, but I am going to have to.  The consultant wants me to just put one railing up, but I think that will look ridiculous.  So, I already have the posts and rails I just need to add the railing part to both sides.  This is going to be my inspiration I think depending on how hard this is to create.  Any thoughts or ideas are welcome.

This is going to be the color of my tile in my kitchen I think.  I was going to do white, but I don't really want to be bleaching my kitchen every week.  This is a really really light grey and it has a matching grout.  Who knew?
This is maybe my favorite tile ever.  It is so classic and is going to be my bathroom tile.  It is safe to say that I am in love with this tile.  
TADA!!!  This was my first purchase (besides you know the house).   I bought a vanity/sink.  Currently, there is a huge vanity that takes up the entire bathroom.  I wanted a square pedestol sink, but then I decided I needed some cabinet space.  Laci and I went to the Habitat Restore and we walked in and I was saying I needed a sink for my bathroom and we walked directly into about 20 sinks.  The lady had this one that she was unwrapping and it was the only one with cabinet doors.  She was like if you want it, tell me now because someone will buy this.  I started to get overwhelmed with the thought of making such a quick decision.  I took the tag and walked around the store for an hour or so and then bought it.  I think this may be it until I close on the house.  Isn't it cute.  

This weekend I met my neighbors.  I am really excited about living at Georgia Ave.  The amount of things that have to happen before then are a little daunting, but when I start to "panic" I just have this sense of calmness that it will all get done and that I do not need to worry about it.  I have not felt this sense of peace about anything in a very long time.  My personality just tends to freak out and then talk it out with whoever to calm down.  This seems to be the exact opposite...


  1. Your inspiration photo for your front porch is great! It looks very welcoming -- maybe, though, people will want to use your front door then. Is there a sidewalk to the front door, or do those steps just land down in the grass? Looks like you've spent lots of time in home stores this weekend! (Good to see you last night -- thanks for stopping by!)

  2. Girl! That front porch idea.....that is exactly what I had in pumped.

  3. Britt, is HGTV the #1 playing channel for you right now?
    Love you! :)
